Member Questions

All the Helpers we match with Members are sole traders running their own care business.

We use this approach as this means your support is more flexible, limited only by what Members and Helpers agree to.

Each Helper has their own skillset and schedule, so by working with Sole Traders this allows:

  • No minimum shift lengths
  • No maximum shift length
  • Negotiation of rates for services
  • Flexibility in choice of services

With the Lend A Friend approach to matching Helpers with Members, you’re not restricted like in the traditional care worker industry.

The Rates Agreement Document (RAD) is the document which captures the agreed rates that will be billed for each of your Helper’s services.

When you meet with a new Helper, they will go through the RAD with you.

You can also click here to view our pricing page and learn more.

Once a Service Agreement with Lend A Friend is signed, we will send invoices for Helper services weekly to your Plan Manager or person responsible for managing funding.

Our rates are as listed in your Service Agreement or the most up to date RAD for each Helper.

Helpers have taken out the following insurances:

  • Public Liability Insurance of $10,000,000 or more
  • Professional Indemnity Insurance of $1,000,000 or more
  • Compulsory Third Party Car Insurance (for Helpers who drive)

No, Lend A Friend only engages with Helpers who pass our screening process.

We have multiple methods of screening potential Helpers, including:

  • Interviews
  • Character checks
  • Personality screening
  • Verification and Qualification Checks

We may also provide video interviews to Members so they can earn about Helpers before inviting them into your homes.

If a Helper requests billing information or to work with you independent of Lend A Friend, please contact your care manager.

Helpers have signed Contracts for Services with Lend A Friend which include Non-Solicitation and Non-Compete clauses. This means Helpers are not allowed to work privately with Members or past Members of Lend A Friend during their contractual engagement, or for a period of 12 months post termination.

If Helpers are found to be taking bookings privately, and not recording this in the Lend A Friend app, this is a breech of their contract and a breech of our Policies, and puts the Helper at risk of punitive action.

For any disputes, we have a 5 step feedback and complaint management process which can be found on our policies page or by clicking here.

You can submit feedback at any time by completing the Feedback form linked in your Help Plan

You can also contact your Care Manager, or email the feedback team: 
[email protected] 

Our team includes Helpers who are Psychologists, Social Workers, Teachers, Physiotherapists, and students of different disciplines.

While each Helper has their own unique set of skills, qualifications, lived experiences and personality, at minimum each Helper will have:

  • First Aid Certification
  • NDIS Worker Screening Checks or Police Checks
  • Insurances
  • Medication Assistance certification (When working with medications)

When a special qualification or verification is needed in order to perform work, Lend A Friend will only provide Helpers who have this qualification. For example, if support taking medication is needed, we will only send Helpers who have a Medication Handling Certificate.

If Members require a Helper for a task they are qualified for, but during a shift Members request the Helper to assist with a task that they are not qualified for, the Helper may not be able to perform this task.

As sole traders, Helpers run their own business and can provide services at their discretion, but this is not advised by Lend A Friend given the extra risks. Any damages as a result of unqualified support being provided will void Helper insurance

All of our Helpers have been interviewed, provided with training, participated in shadow shifts, and are familiar with our safety policies and procedures. They also must have their own insurance, first aid certificate, and pass police or NDIS checks before working with you to ensure the top quality of care.

If at any time you feel uncomfortable with your care and support, you can contact your care manager to continue the search for your perfect Helper

Helper Questions

We use the sole trader approach as it provides Members, Helpers, and ourselves much more flexibility!

Helpers are able to schedule their own appointments, talk directly to Members, charge their own rates, and claim expenses as tax deductions.

Members are able to find Helpers who match the flexibility and requirements of their plan, providing them with better outcomes.

The Rates Agreement Document (RAD) is the document which captures the agreed rates Members will be charged for services provided.

Once Helpers and Members agree to work together, you will have access to the RAD and complete it with this Member, to document your rates and billing conditions. 

Once completed and signed by both Helper and Member, we receive a copy of this document so we know what to pay for your services, and what to bill Members.

The RAD can be updated at any time by filling it in again, and having yourself and the Member sign it

Lend A Friend typically pays bills from Helpers within 15 days of a service being provided.

Payment is processed fortnightly on Mondays, so payment should be received Monday or Tuesday depending on your bank.

Payment is equal to your agreed rates with Members documented in your RAD, multiplied by the hours worked. 

Lend A Friend charges a percentage fee to Helpers for our marketing, training, administrative services and support. This percentage fee is listed in your Contract for Services and is deducted from your bills. 

In order to engage with Lend A Friend and it’s Members, Helpers must maintain the following insurances:

  • Public Liability Insurance of $10,000,000 or more
  • Professional Indemnity Insurance (including medical negligence) of $1,000,000 or more
  • Compulsory Third Party Car Insurance (for Helpers who drive)

Helpers are recommended to take out this insurance through the underwriter Bizcover. Helpers are responsible for understanding what activities are and are not covered by their insurance.

As a Helper you may voluntarily pay for additional insurances, like full comprehensive car insurance, work cover or income protection, however this is your choice and not a requirement for engaging with Lend A Friend

Taking bookings with Members privately, outside of the Lend A Friend platform, is a breech of the Non-Solicitation and Non-Compete clauses in our Contract for Services with Helpers.

While NDIS participants have choice and control about who they work with, this does not override the contractual obligation Helpers have entered into with Lend A Friend, and breeching this contract will result in punitive action.

You can learn more about the liquidated damages fees that Helpers may be liable for if they breech these clauses by Clicking Here. 

You can learn more about being a Sole Trader, what is an ABN, and how to make an ABN by Clicking Here.

If you don’t currently have an Australian Business Number (ABN) you can still apply to work with us.

All Members have a digital notebook to store shift notes in. While each Member may have different needs and different requirements regarding the case notes they want kept, it is important to keep things objective and concise. Keep in mind, the Member and anyone they give permission to can access these shift notes, and so Helper entries should be professional, easy to understand, and not contain subjective or emotional language. An example of a shift note is provided below:

Title: 14/12/2024 Saturday Cooking and admin tasks

Details: Today I arrived at the Westpac building at 12:30pm as agreed in our last meeting. Jane Doe was running overtime with her last meeting and so we didn’t meet until 12:45pm. Once she came out, we drove to the shops to buy some groceries, then drove home and started cooking. We made a healthy chicken salad for lunch together and I assisted Jane with the dishes afterwards. Usually we go for an afternoon walk for some fitness but Jane requested we stay home as her knees were hurting because she had a busy morning. I tried to encourage Jane to try going for a walk still and she became agitated and raised her voice. I spoke calmly with her apologizing for pressuring her and said we can try a walk next time instead. We talked and did a few paperwork tasks around the home before I left at 4pm

We encourage Helpers and Members to clearly communicate their needs with each other, and practice empathetic problem solving to work through any disputes.

To assist you in this, we have a 5 step feedback and complaint management process which can be found on our policies page or by clicking here.

Helpers and Members can submit feedback at any time by completing the Feedback form linked in Member Help Plans or on our website

Alternatively you can email the feedback team: 
[email protected] 

When a specific qualification or verification is needed in order to perform work, this service is only able to be booked through the app for Helpers which have had this verification confirmed by Lend A Friend.

If you book with a Member to perform one service and are asked to perform another service that you are not comfortable with or qualified for, it is up to your discretion whether or not you want to provide this service.

As a sole trader, you run your own business and so services which require certain qualification which you don’t have could put the Member at risk, your insurance might not cover you, and any damages and liability would be the Helper’s responsibility. For this reason, we highly recommend you only agree to perform tasks you are qualified and comfortable with.