
If you have an incident to report, you can fill in the form by clicking the button below


A reportable incident is an event or situation which causes harm, damage, loss, or could be reasonably expected to cause harm, damage or loss, during or in connection with an arranged service between Members and Helpers of Lend A Friend

There are 3 main ways to report an incident:

1. Click on the report an incident button at the top of this page and fill out an incident report

2. Each Member has an incident report link in their Help plan on the app which Members and Helpers can use to report an incident

3. Contact the listed Care Manager or Supervisor in your Service Agreement to report the incident

When an incident report is made, a Lend A Friend team member will begin an investigation into the incident.

We may contact the Member, the Helper or the reporter of the incident for additional information.

We will aim to find a solution to the incident and alert the appropriate authorities where necessary. 

As well as reporting incidents to Lend A Friend, some incidents need to be reported to the NDIS Commission as well.

These NDIS reportable incidents (and alleged reportable incidents) include:

  • The death of a person with disability.
  • Serious injury of a person with disability.
  • Abuse or neglect of a person with disability.
  • Unlawful sexual or physical contact with, or assault of, a person with disability (excluding, in the case of unlawful physical assault, contact with, and impact on, the person that is negligible).
  • Sexual misconduct committed against, or in the presence of, a person with disability, including grooming of the person for sexual activity.
  • The use of a restrictive practice in relation to a person with disability, other than where the use is in accordance with an authorisation (however described) of a State or Territory in relation to the person or a behaviour support plan for the person.

Incidents of this nature which occur in connection to the services you provide must be reported to the NDIS Quality and Safeguard Commission within 24 hours of the incident occurring.

Phone Number: 1800 035 544

Email: [email protected]

Priority 1 reportable incidents should also be reported to the police within 24 hours of you becoming aware of the incident.

Priority 1 incidents include:

  • The unexpected death of a Member
  • An incident that caused (or reasonably could have been expected to cause) a Member physical or psychological injury or discomfort that requires medical or psychological treatment to resolve
  • Unlawful sexual contact or inappropriate sexual conduct inflicted on a NDIS Member
  • A Member going missing in the course of provision of services
  • Other incidents where there are reasonable grounds to report the incident to Police

Phone: 000

If you are unsure about your reporting requirements, contact us for clarification. There is no harm in sending us an incident report for an incident which is not serious. We will just let you know there is no cause for concern. There is risk however to not lodging an incident report for a reportable incident, so don’t hesitate to reach out when needed